Alcoholism and Addiction Issues on College Campuses

College Student Binge Drinking

College is supposed to be one of the best times of a student’s life. It is a time to learn, explore, be independent, and try new things. Regrettably, one of the things that college students try is drugs and alcohol. This exploration leaves this group vulnerable to drug and alcohol issues. In addition to testing new boundaries, other issues arise in college students which can trigger additional substance abuse problems.

What Can Trigger Alcohol & Other Addiction Issues In College Students?


For many students, college is the first time they are without parental supervision. Being on their own for the first time can trigger anxiety in these students. Alcohol and drugs become a way that these students cope. Turning to activities like drinking or drugs can lower inhibitions and also make socializing easier.

Peer Pressure

Another reason students turn to alcohol and drugs during college is peer pressure. College is a mixing pot of experiences. Some college students were not exposed to substances of any kind during their high school years. But they don’t want to be ostracized for abstaining, so they start using to blend in with their peers.


Stress is also a trigger for many college students. As mentioned earlier, this is the first time many students have been away from home. For the first time, they are the ones in charge of managing their own lives. Once in college, some students may realize that their course load is too much, they lack the motivation to do their work, they don’t enjoy their classes, they are homesick, etc. Any one of these could lead to a student taking alcohol or drugs to cope with their stress levels.

Alcoholism (AUD) vs. Drug Addiction (SUD): Are they the same thing?

Drugs & Alcohol

Society tends to treat alcohol and drugs as separate categories, the starkest difference being the issue of legality. Alcohol is generally treated as a more acceptable substance, while the vast majority of drugs (with marijuana being a very partial and recent exception) are stigmatized. The legality of alcohol has contributed to it becoming by far the most common addiction in the United States.

The difference in social attitudes can make a significant difference in the trajectory of recovery. A heroin addict may experience rejection by society, while the alcoholic may enjoy support or at least lower levels of stigma. These dynamics mean that a hard drug user is more likely to experience devastating social consequences as a result of their maladies, such as losing careers or families. All these elements put together, mean that a drug addict (especially one dependent on “hard drugs”), may face a more difficult road to recovery than an alcoholic with a comparably severe habit.

The social stigma can also adversely affect drug addicts. Believing their problems are more serious, drug users may believe that overcoming addictions will be a more serious undertaking than it would be for their alcohol-dependent counterparts. Besides, drug users may be more concerned over the fallout of publicly admitting their addiction, due to the intense social stigma. For these reasons, social stigma may hamper the recovery of drug addicts.

Alcohol Withdrawal Tremors “The Shakes”: What Are They?

Alcohol Withdrawal Tremors The Shakes

Most experts agree that alcohol consumption is safe in moderation. However, drinking large quantities of alcohol and drinking to the point of intoxication, especially if done repeatedly, can be dangerous.

Eventually, repeated heavy drinking can lead to a clinical condition called an alcohol use disorder, the medical term for alcoholism or an alcohol addiction. One of the signs of an alcohol addiction is withdrawal.

Alcohol withdrawal occurs because over time, the body can become dependent upon alcohol, meaning that it does not function properly without it. When a person who is dependent upon alcohol stops drinking or reduces the amount of alcohol that he or she consumes, it can result in uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Tremors are one such symptom.